
This working group started after the 2023 PRIDE Network Masterclass on the theme “pathway to completion”, focusing on how to support PhD candidates in the final stage of their doctorate.

The goal of the working group is to craft a seminar for universities to offer to their PhD candidates, strategically scheduled approximately one year before the end of their PhD. It will include a set of slides and supportive materials, easily adaptable by other PRIDE members to optimally suit their respective needs.

The group has been envisioning a short interactive seminar packed with practical tips to help PhD candidates stay on track and motivated. We are not just talking about administrative matters and concrete tips on scheduling their final year. This seminar will also provide time for reflection, a chance for candidates to take stock of their progress, celebrate their wins, find reassurance, and (super)charge their motivation. The goal? To empower PhD candidates to not only successfully complete their thesis but also be ready for whatever comes next in their careers!

The group has been meeting regularly since early 2024 and started to test the new seminar in their respective universities during the autumn semester 2024. They are aiming to make all the developed materials available to the PRIDE Network community for the Annual Meeting in London in April 2025.

We are currently in the process of putting together the programme for the conference in London and would ask for your patience.

To be informed when the programme is online, please subscribe to our newsletter.


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We have received your application and will contact you with payment information in due time.

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