Founded in 2017, the PRIDE Network Association aims at representing the community of Professionals in Doctoral Education within Europe and beyond.

The establishment of the association was preceded by an EU-funded project, the PRIDE project. In this project we took a closer look at the contributions, roles and job profiles of those university staff members who, as non-academic personnel, make a significant contribution to the quality and offerings in doctoral education.


The PRIDE organisation is distinctive in being committed to providing strong leadership to those professionals who specialise in developing all aspects of Doctoral Education. This unique agenda is achieved through a Code of Practice and pledge to the community to

SERVE the sector in all aspects of Doctoral Education
SUPPORT local agendas and networks
SHARE good practice
Provide STABILITY with agility
Commit to a SPECIALISED focus
Deliver STATE of the ART training
Foster a STRENGTH of purpose

These CORE PRINCIPLES define PRIDE and the work of its BOARD members.

PRIDE Network has a vibrant community of experts.

We are currently in the process of putting together the programme for the conference in London and would ask for your patience.

To be informed when the programme is online, please subscribe to our newsletter.


We have received your application and will contact you with payment information in due time.


We have received your application and will contact you with payment information in due time.

Applications will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. The application is only completed when you have received the final confirmation by email after your payment.